Join Us on Wednesdays! Lunch: 11:30am; Meeting: 12-1pm @ Cashiers United Methodist Church

Won't You Join Us?

Meeting Time

Join us for our weekly meetings on Wednesdays from 12pm/noon - 1pm at Cashiers United Methodist Church, located at 894 NC-107S in Cashiers, NC. Click Here to Get Directions

You do not have to be a current member of Rotary to join us. We welcome Rotarians visiting from other clubs, those in town for vacation, or first-timers interested in learning more about who we are and what we do.

Never Been to a Rotary Meeting?
We love meeting new people! If you're interested in joining a meeting, we invite you to log on to any one of our Zoom meetings or join us for one of our First Wednesday socials!

Already a Member of Another Rotary Club?
Feel free to visit with us. We'd love to be your "Club Away from Home"!

Don't Want to Come Alone?
Send us an email. We'll be happy to introduce you to a Member-Buddy who can show you the ropes!

Cashiers Rotary in the News

  • 2025-01-21

    Cashiers Rotary President Karen Sullivan presented a grant check for $3,000 fo Cathy Maddock, President of Friends of the Cashiers Library, at a recent meeting.

    The Friends of the Library (FOL) is an organization founded to develop and maintain citizen interest and participation in the growth and development of the community's public libraries and


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  • 2025-01-13

    In the wake of Hurricane Helene, Cashiers Rotary assisted in relief efforts in the immediate aftermath, helping to prepare and serve meals to emergency workers and those affected in the community.

    Since then, the club has teamed up with Cashiers United Methodist Church to raise funds for supplies and assemble 60 flood cleaning bucket kits and 150


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The Rotary 4-Way Test

The Four-Way Test was created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor in 1932 and is followed by Rotarians worldwide in their business and professional lives. It has been translated into more than 100 languages and is used by organizations and individuals throughout the world.

Of all the things we think, say, and do:


Is it the TRUTH?


Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


Contact Us

If you would like more information about Rotary or anything you see on this site, please send an email to

Need to Send Us Snail Mail?

The Rotary Club of Cashiers Valley
PO Box 833, Cashiers, NC 28717

Join Our Mailing List

If you'd like to know more about the Rotary Club of Cashiers Valley or the service opportunities available in our area, please sign up below.


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